RayComposer Timeline Editor

Keyframe-basiertes animieren

Vielfältige Effekte

Musik X-Ray

3D Lasershow Preview

Geometrie-Korrektur für die Laserausgabe

RayComposer Timeline Editor

With RayComposer Timeline Editor you can create laser shows by arranging animations and effects on the time line.

Key Frame Based Animation

Your drawn animations can be brought to life in RayComposer Timeline Editor by key frame based animation.

Key frame based animation is really intuitive. You simply use your mouse to select which size, position and rotation the animation should have at a certain time on the time line – the computation of in-between frames is done automatically (tweening).

Versatile Effects

RayComposer TimeLine Editor has a big selection of effects that you can use to alter the animations. Next to the basic repertoire of effects like movement, scaling and rotation exciting object based and non linear effects are available.

Music X-RAY

We call this feature “Music X-Ray”, because it really allows you to experience the music on screen. It becomes really easy to capture the structure of the music and to create laser shows in sync with music. The musical grid with beat marks and snap to grid is also there to aid you in creating perfectly in sync.

3D Lasershow Preview

RayComposer Timeline Editor gives you  a real time 3D preview of the laser show. Count, position and beam direction of the projectors can be freely configured.

Geometric Correction for Laser Output

RayComposer Timeline Editor contains a sophisticated geometric correction, which allows you to project laser graphics on angled surfaces.


Timecode Synchronization

RayComposer works really well inside a multimedia show control environment. The timeline editor can be controlled by timecode as well as send timecode to control connected devices.

RayComposer lets you choose between MIDI Timecode (MTC), ArtNET Timecode, SMTPE LTC Timecode or system clock. LTC can be sent and received using an ordinary PC soundcard - no need for an additional timecode device.




can be created using RayComposer Animation Editor.

Like to try it?

The Designer's Edition of RayComposer can be downloaded for free on our download page.