RayComposer Animation Editor

Echter kurvenbasierter Editor

Objektbasiertes Editieren

Große Auswahl an Zeichenwerkzeugen



Laser- & TrueType-Schriftarten



RayComposer Animation Editor

RayComposer Animation Editor is a drawing application, which allows you to create stunning laser drawings in shortest time. Drawings can be booth 2D or 3D.

Curve Based Editor

RayComposer Animation Editor is completely curve based. Different from other  applications drawings can not only consist of line segments but also of curves. It is much easier to create natural round or curved shapes this way.

Object Based Editing

In RayComposer Animation Editor Paths can be grouped together to form Objects. The grouped paths can then be edited as a single object. For instance, all paths of an object are moved together. When an Object is selected, handles appear which allow you to scale, rotate and shear the object.

Huge Selection of Drawing Tools

RayComposer Animation Editor has a huge selection of different drawing tools. Additionally the essentials like line, rectangle or circle drawing tools also free hand curves, poly lines, polygons, stars, waves, … can be created. Most basic shapes for beam shows can be created with two to three mouse clicks.

Lots of Transformations

Besides direct editing of the drawn paths, RayComposer Animation Editor has lots of tools that allow you to alter the paths drawn.
Not only rotation, scaling and shearing are possible, but also extraordinary deformations tools are included.

Color Gradients

Colors are an important aspect of laser shows. This is why we took care during development of RayComposer Animation Editor that it is really easy to create exciting color fades. With RayComposer Animation Editor you can create color gradients by drag & drop and apply them using the color gradient tool.

TrueType- and Laser Fonts

Of course you can also draw text using RayComposer Animation Editor.
Our custom font engine allows you to draw not only all true type fonts but also laser optimized single line fonts.


RayComposer Animation Editor has full support for path based masking.

Raster Scanning

It is also possible to include bitmap graphics using raster scanning.

Timeline Editor

After drawing the laser graphics you can use RayComposer Timeline Editor to create a laser show in sync with the music.

Real Time Preview

With our RayComposer Hardware and a laser projector you get a real time preview. See what you are drawing while you are drawing it.

Like to try it?

The Designer's Edition of RayComposer can be downloaded for free on our download page.