RayComposer Device API Documentation  1.6
Public API for RayComposer laser show DAC interfaces.
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RayComposer public device API


This API (Application Programming Interface) was designed to allow low-level hardware access to the RayComposer ILDA DAC devices (RayComposer USB and RayComposer NET) from your custom (or third-party) application software. The API functions only use simple data types to enable compatibility with a large number of programming languages.

Have fun and be creative!

Copyright ©2015-2017 RayComposer - R. Adams.


Quick Example in plain C. This code enumerates all devices and displays a list. If a device is found the device will be opened, started and 1000 frames containing a circle will be display. Then the device will be stoped, closed and the program will exit.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "rcdev.h"
int main(void){
int i; /* loop counter */
int ret; /* return value */
int count; /* device count */
char deviceId[256]; /* device id string */
int handle; /* device handle */
int frameCounter = 1; /* counter for frames */
/* Initialise the Library. API Version is returned. */
ret = RCInit();
if(ret < 0){
printf("Error initialising Library! Exit.\n"); return -1;
if(ret < RCAPI_VERSION){
printf("API Version too old. Please use a newer dll/lib.\n"); return -2;
printf("API Version %d.%02d\n", ret >> 8, ret & 0xFF);
/* Detect & enumerate the connected devices. */
count = RCEnumerateDevices();
if(count < 0){
printf("Error enumerating devices! Exit.\n"); return -3;
if(count == 0){
printf("No devices found. Exit.\n"); return 0;
/* List the devices found. */
printf("Found %d device(s): \n", count);
for(i = 0; i < count; i++){
ret = RCDeviceID(i, deviceId, sizeof(deviceId));
if(ret < 0){
printf("Error reading device id! Exit.\n"); return -4;
printf(" %d: %s\n", i, deviceId);
/* Demo laser output */
/* Select first device in list. */
ret = RCDeviceID(0, deviceId, sizeof(deviceId));
if(ret < 0){
printf("Error reading device id! Exit.\n"); return -5;
printf("Opening device: %s\n", deviceId);
handle = RCOpenDevice(deviceId);
if(handle < 0){
printf("Error opening device: %d! Exit.\n", handle); return -6;
printf("Starting laser.\n");
ret = RCStartOutput(handle);
if(ret < RCOk){
printf("Error starting laser output: %d! Exit.\n", ret); return -7;
unsigned int speed = 20000; /* sampling rate */
/* Your TODO: create fancy laser graphics here */
struct RCPoint points[200];
unsigned int pointCount = sizeof(points) / sizeof(struct RCPoint);
unsigned int i;
for(i=0; i < pointCount; i++){
double phi = (double)i * M_PI * 2.0 / pointCount;
points[i].x = (signed short) (sin(phi) * 32767.5 - 0.5);
points[i].y = (signed short) (cos(phi) * 32767.5 - 0.5);
points[i].red = 65535;
points[i].green = 65535;
points[i].blue = 65535;
points[i].intensity = 65535;
points[i].user1 = 65535;
points[i].user2 = 65535;
/* wait for free buffer; second parameter is timeout
* 0 = poll number of free buffers only, return immediately
* < 0 = wait forever until buffer becomes free
* > 0 = wait the number of miliseconds or until a buffer becomes free */
ret = RCWaitForReady(handle, -1);
if(ret < RCOk){
printf("\nError waiting for free buffer: %d! Exit.\n", ret); return -8;
printf("Showing frame %d.\r", frameCounter);
ret = RCWriteFrame(handle, points, pointCount, speed, 0);
if(ret < RCOk){
printf("\nError writing frame to device: %d! Exit.\n", ret); return -9;
} while(frameCounter++ < 1000);
printf("\nStoping laser.\n");
ret = RCStopOutput(handle);
if(ret < RCOk){
printf("Error stoping laser output: %d! Exit.\n", ret); return -10;
printf("Closing device.\n");
ret = RCCloseDevice(handle);
if(ret < RCOk){
printf("Error closing device: %d! Exit.\n", ret); return -11;
ret = RCExit();
if(ret < RCOk){
printf("Error closing Library: %d! Exit.\n", ret); return -12;
return 0;


Permission is granted to use this API, the provided samples and documentation free of charge als long as they are used for controling RayComposer devices.

Last Update: 03.08.2017

  • XY output signals were inverted wrt the specification; fixed since version 1.05
  • input string and data pointers declared as "const" now
  • check for mingw32 in windows as well